Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Coach's Legacy

by Erin Stevenson, Program Coordinator and America SCORES Coach

Dear Coach, 

When I thought there was no one else to lean on, there you were. Through hours and hours of practice, at Ashley’s dad’s funeral, when my parents got divorced; you were there. I didn’t always appreciate your dedication at the time, especially when it meant we weren’t leaving the gym until I stuck that bar dismount. I would be sore, exhausted, hungry, and downright rude, and you would keep at it until I got it right. 

Time has passed, I’ve grown up, and the tables have turned because 21 young girls now get to call me coach. It took a change in perspective to realize that on those late nights you must have been just as tired and equally as frustrated, but you’re being there said, “I believe in you,” and “You can do it.”

I want nothing more than for all of my girls to be tough and resilient, to be disciplined, patient, humble, and fearless. Those are just a few of the many things you taught me. You made me the person I am today, and now I get to share in the responsibility that all coaches have; to shape the identity of the youth they work with. It’s not about what kind of athletes they will become, it’s about what kind of people they will grow to be. 

Thank you for sticking with me. Thank you for being tough and for making me work hard. Thank you for ensuring that your important life lessons were not lost on me. Thank you for everything.


Coach Erin

A coach’s legacy is powerful because it has such a lasting impact. 

THINK about it. I bet you will agree.

Do you remember any of your coaches from childhood? What did you learn from them? Was it anything worth thanking them for?

Leave a comment and share your gratitude. 

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